Friday, November 19, 2010

Not even a little Gluten!

Well friends the holidays are upon us! This is a challenging time for us. There are just so many danger zones to say the least. I want to remind you that even having "a little" gluten is not good. It is really a poison to your body. Even if your major symptoms dont present themselves, the inflammatory process will ignite in your gut and damage is happening to the only body you have.

In the beginning of my journey, I thought I could have a little and it would be ok. Never wanting to make a fuss as a guest, out to dinner or bring attention to my issue. Sometimes just wanting and thinking it will be alright to have a pinch. Not so................

I have never been one to express my needs, so this has really been a lesson for me and I am still working on it. Probably forever!

We are getting ready for my husbands company Christmas party. We will fly to Chicago in a couple weeks. Its a great time, they host it at a place called Pinstripes. Its an upscale bowling and bocce ball entertainment place. Music, food, drinks, games, food and more food. So last year, I just went thinking I should be able to eat something. Being there for six hours and having cocktails, I really should have assumed there would NOT be anything for me to eat. But I didnt and guess what, other than some veggies, fruit and some cheese that was it. Gourmet pizzas, meat w/ sauces, crusty breads and every kind of dessert I couldnt have. I was so hungry, I scrapped off sauces to just get some protein in me. And you guessed it , I got SICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh big surprise there!

Being that my husband was only six months into this job, I just didnt want to stand out or make special requests. After being unemployed for six months I just wanted to be low key, I guess.

Not this year, Mike asked his bosses, the brothers that own the firm if they would be sure to have some gf options for me. They were very happy to assure Mike that they would make that happen for us. At first I felt a little funny about it, but relieved really!!!!

If I am going to be guest at some one's house, I offer to bring a few dishes that I know are safe for me to eat. I feel more comfortable doing that, than asking for a menu adjustment on my behalf. But my family and friends are aware and now remember more often that its an issue for me. I try not to make it a big deal and fly under the radar but that has backfired to many times. So we have to put ourselves out there for our own well being and we are worth at least that!!!!!

So when some one says.... can't you can have just a little. Remember POISON. You wouldnt eat just a little poison, would you?!?

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reading Labels

Reading labels is now like a part time job. It is so important for your health. I found the easiest solution is to eat clean simple foods. But when you cant or dont, please look out for the following ingredients. This is were things start to be more difficult in buying products not clearly marked gluten free.

Grains are used in the process of many ingredients,  so depending on how they are processed they could be off limits. I now always assume they may contain gluten. Beware of the following terms they may contain gluten depending on what grain was used to process them.

Hydrolyzed Vegetable protein (MVP), unless made frm soy or corn
Vegetable Protein, unless made frm soy or corn
Modified Food Starch, unless made frm corn
Vegetable gum
Textured Vegetable Protein
Caramel Coloring
If you see these words on your labels this should alert you to a grain containing gluten has been used
Starch, unless it says corn only
Plant Protein

There is a debate about modified food starch, some readings say that if the product is frm the US it is made frm corn. That said, I no longer risk it.
Also some say that MOST caramel coloring is made from dextrose (sugar) but it can be made from many different grains and mostly barley.

Example Coca Cola says their products are gluten free, they contain caramel coloring. You can always call or look on line for more detail ingredient lists for some of your favorites.
As for myself, I just cant chance it anymore without further investigation.

Some places you might not think gluten is hiding are:
ice cream, popsicles
beauty products (lipstick, shampoos, soaps etc)
vitamins, nutritional supplements
protein and superfood powders

My rule of thumb is if the list contains more than five ingredients I more than likely pass on it. Its just safer, or needs to read gluten free.

So remember to read,read, read. Learn from my mistakes! I would eat something, get sick and think what the heck?!?
After I learned about some of the above ingredients, well that explains everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Where does Gluten Hide???

Gluten is a sneak................... and hides everywhere!
However we will not let this intimidate or stop us from enjoying life and MOST of the foods we enjoy.

I still can get tripped up and ingest gluten every now and then. Even though I have been GF for 5 yrs and 5 months.

I was enjoying a visit with my aunt in one of my favorite cities Seattle. I grabbed a bottle of organic, all natural balsamic vinaigrette to drizzle on my shrimp and avocado salad I had made for us. I'm enjoying my salad and my aunts company. I take a look at the bottle to check out the sugar content. Then scan the ingredient list and to my dismay I see soy sauce listed! Who puts soy sauce in balsamic dressing?! Evidently some people.

Many of you, especially my sister are probably rolling their eyes because if I would have just made my own like I usually do, this would not of been an issue. So point being, never assume a product is GF. I will repeat this point many times. I have made this mistake over and over. Sometimes because I assume, or I'm tired, a guest, at a party or for whatever reason.
ALWAYS read labels!
I usually do, but didnt take the time and paid the price in a couple of hours.

Condiments can be difficult. I have seen ketchup with gluten (usually not) but I have. Luckily not often and now you can find it HFCS free too. BBQ sauces, dressings, regular soy sauce, most prepackaged foods have gluten, unless otherwise noted. Most mustards(plain yellow) and mayo are safe.

If its creamy or gravy based more than likely it has gluten. Unless it has been thicken with only cornstarch or from a gf flour.

Most products that contain vinegar are safe. Except when you see the word "malt". Then step away and put it down. Malt vinegar most always means "barley malt". Remember no wheat rye or barley.

Nothing with "malt" listed as an ingredient.

This is one reason why its hard to eat out especially in the beginning. Who am I kidding it is still difficult!

Its not just  bread and pasta but also what your adding and topping your foods with. Another example, of which I have a many is french fries. Without addressing the cross contamination issue. You have to be aware of "seasoned" fries.  ALOT of dry rubs and season mixtures contain a flour as a binding agent! So  you must ask.

Unless its a clean and naked food or something you have prepared yourself, you must put your food detective hat on.
Again read and reread your labels. Rice Chex is now GF but when I first started it contained wheat flour!! So just because it sounds like it should be safe, doesnt make it so.

Don't get discouraged this is so worth the time and trouble, I promise.

Lets say good bye to a whole host of health issues and tummy troubles!!

Let's try this Again!

After more than a few months of inactivity, actually 6 if your counting. I have decided to give this another try.
I admit................. I'm more than a little intimidated by the lack of my writing skills. So if proper english, incomplete sentences or any other inadequacy to the written word annoys you, then this blog is probably not for you.

My intent here is to share my journey, my experiences and thoughts about being gluten free.

So I hope to be of some help. I would love for you to join me in conversation along the way.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Gluten Free Traveling

Its been a crazy, busy 6 weeks. I was in Seattle for a few weeks. Then a grandfather passed and I was in NY and MA. I am finally back home and into my regular routine. Just like Dorothy said, there's no place like home!! I did have a gluten upset, even an experienced gf eater can get tripped up.

Being away from home and on the road is always somewhat daunting. Being prepared is important. While traveling I always carry gf items with me. Glutino pretzels, Think Thin Pnut Butter Protein Bars (20 grams of protein) nuts, fruit, cheese and Glutino crackers. While going through security at the airport I am wondering if they think I'm afraid I might starve to death, carrying all this food! But the gf choices can be few and far between. If you have time to sit and order a meal thats great but don't count on it.

While in MA, I was at a hotel that provided breakfast. Well, I knew there would be very little that I could eat.  The only thing that was safe, bananas and apples. They did have scrambled eggs, but in this situation I assume they are powdered eggs. And even if they were real eggs, the hotel looks to stretch the items to feed many, so who knows what kind of fillers are used. So I ate some fruit and a protein bar. Off to the funeral I go. Afterwards my Grandmother hosted a meal at her favorite Italian eatery. Yikes.... another meal to examine. I was able to have salad, fruit, cheese and some cold cuts.

Beware when eating cold cuts. Be sure it is REAL turkey, roast beef etc. Be careful with any  processed meats. As a matter of fact, just skip them. I was at a party right before I left for MA and had a few bites of Amish trail bologna. I spent the next 24 hrs sick, sick, sick.

A note about cheese..... be sure its just plain cheese. SOME blue cheeses are not safe. Any cheese spreads should be skipped if you cant ask about content.

So preparation is key when traveling. Its always a little scary and I always worry about getting sick. So I carry my maalox and imodium, always!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sad Stuff

Been busy attending my Grandpa's funeral. I will get back to posting scintillating information for which you can hardly wait soon!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gluten Free is Challenging

Gluten Free is Challenging

Being GF is challenging at best. Even after five years I sometimes envy others the ability to digest gluten. Then I am rudely reminded why I don’t eat gluten by accidently ingesting some. Ahhhhhhh yes.......... now I remember why I hate gluten. Sickness and Pain, nope, not worth it.

My life has taken a complete turn around since going GF. Like many people it took practically a lifetime and a serious diagnosis to figure it out.
I was colicky as a baby (Some experts feel there might be a connection) and I always had a "sensitive" stomach while growing up. I always just thought it was a result of stress and nerves.

Fast forward through adulthood, I suffered chronic stomach pain and anemia and eczema. Then I turned forty and had life-altering diagnosis of congestive heart failure!!


They put me on five different heart meds sent me home. The doctors told me that I probably had five years until I would need a heart transplant or die.

The next five years were rough. A friend told me about a compounding pharmacist nearby who might be of some help to me. I made an appointment with him. He changed my life!

First he had me give up artificial sweeteners, then he said he thought my problem was gluten! And to make a long story short, I gave it up, and within days I started feeling better. My heart numbers even improved!

It’s been a long road and not an easy or cheap one, but it has been well worth it. My health has improved by leaps and bounds and I have lost forty-five pounds!

I still have a very sensitive tummy and I have had to give up some other things. But nothing tastes as good as feeling good does. Of course there are things I miss, but that’s ok, this is so doable. I feel like I got my life back!

There is a huge learning curve with this disease and I am always learning something new. Just recently I learned that Modified Food Starch may contain wheat molecules.

Thanks to my sister June for helping me get started with this blog.
Check out her blog, she is a fantastic chef. Many of her recipes are naturally GF, and there are others that are easily converted. Her most recent post for Carne Asada is an example: use GF beer and corn tortillas and you’re ready for a wonderful fiesta!!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Getting Started Living Gluten Free

You've just heard you have to give up gluten. Now what?

Let's start with the basics

If it's wheat, rye, or barley, YOU CANT HAVE IT. Oats are still being debated, so for now I wouldn't risk it. You need to let your system calm down.....................we'll cover the debate on oats later..............

You now will become an expert on reading labels; a Labelologist its not a real title, but hey it's what we are studying.

A couple of basics to get started....

  • You need to decide how you will set your kitchen up. Is the whole house going GF, or just one person? I found it simpler to have my own cupboard, This works especially well for children, who may not be able or willing to always read labels: if it's in their cupboard, they can eat it. What about separate cooking tools? Will you need a separate toaster?

  • If you will be cooking both GF and non GF, always cook the GF first. You want to keep your GF foods as clean as possible.  Cross contamination can be problematic. A good example of this is jelly. When some one uses the jelly, spreads it on the non GF bread, and then goes back for more. They may have contaminated the jelly with crumbs from the non-GF bread.  So, in  my house, we either have buy separate items for use with GF and non GF or if the non GF needs to use more then they must use a clean utensil each time. This applies to peanut butter, mayo, butter, etc., you get the idea.

As a newbie you need a few basics tips to start.

  • Look for the item to say Gluten Free on the front of the package, or check the allergy list. If it doesn't have anything about gluten free......its a NO NO.

  • Wheat Free does NOT mean its gluten free!!

  • The first time you go to the market to stock up for your new GF lifestyle, keep it simple and clean: eggs, fruit, veggies, meats, rice. I used GF crackers for a long time until I found bread that I liked.

  • GF foods can be expensive, I have tried many  things that weren't even palatable. I have thrown away many, many things.  Everyone's tastes are different, but I will share the products that I do like and have had success with.

I have to give up gluten?

Gluten Free for Newbies

You have just heard the need to give up gluten.

Thoughts run through your foggy brain............what is gluten, where is gluten? I seriously have to give it up?

Well how complicated can this be anyway!

Pretty darn complicated!!!

Gluten is everywhere. It is a special protein derived from wheat, barley and rye.

Don't be discouraged!

I am here to tell you, the news is not bad, but good! This could be a turning point for your over all health and well being.

Wouldnt it be great to feel well again?

Better Health...Better Life

While you may feel overwhelmed, it does get easier. Embrace your new lifestyle. There is light at the end of this tunnel and I am here to help.

My name is Joy and I have been gluten free for 5 years. now. It has been life changing, in a good way! I 'd like to share with you information, ideas, product reviews and recipes.

I hope you will join me on this GF journey............