Saturday, November 6, 2010

Reading Labels

Reading labels is now like a part time job. It is so important for your health. I found the easiest solution is to eat clean simple foods. But when you cant or dont, please look out for the following ingredients. This is were things start to be more difficult in buying products not clearly marked gluten free.

Grains are used in the process of many ingredients,  so depending on how they are processed they could be off limits. I now always assume they may contain gluten. Beware of the following terms they may contain gluten depending on what grain was used to process them.

Hydrolyzed Vegetable protein (MVP), unless made frm soy or corn
Vegetable Protein, unless made frm soy or corn
Modified Food Starch, unless made frm corn
Vegetable gum
Textured Vegetable Protein
Caramel Coloring
If you see these words on your labels this should alert you to a grain containing gluten has been used
Starch, unless it says corn only
Plant Protein

There is a debate about modified food starch, some readings say that if the product is frm the US it is made frm corn. That said, I no longer risk it.
Also some say that MOST caramel coloring is made from dextrose (sugar) but it can be made from many different grains and mostly barley.

Example Coca Cola says their products are gluten free, they contain caramel coloring. You can always call or look on line for more detail ingredient lists for some of your favorites.
As for myself, I just cant chance it anymore without further investigation.

Some places you might not think gluten is hiding are:
ice cream, popsicles
beauty products (lipstick, shampoos, soaps etc)
vitamins, nutritional supplements
protein and superfood powders

My rule of thumb is if the list contains more than five ingredients I more than likely pass on it. Its just safer, or needs to read gluten free.

So remember to read,read, read. Learn from my mistakes! I would eat something, get sick and think what the heck?!?
After I learned about some of the above ingredients, well that explains everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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