Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gluten Free is Challenging

Gluten Free is Challenging

Being GF is challenging at best. Even after five years I sometimes envy others the ability to digest gluten. Then I am rudely reminded why I don’t eat gluten by accidently ingesting some. Ahhhhhhh yes.......... now I remember why I hate gluten. Sickness and Pain, nope, not worth it.

My life has taken a complete turn around since going GF. Like many people it took practically a lifetime and a serious diagnosis to figure it out.
I was colicky as a baby (Some experts feel there might be a connection) and I always had a "sensitive" stomach while growing up. I always just thought it was a result of stress and nerves.

Fast forward through adulthood, I suffered chronic stomach pain and anemia and eczema. Then I turned forty and had life-altering diagnosis of congestive heart failure!!


They put me on five different heart meds sent me home. The doctors told me that I probably had five years until I would need a heart transplant or die.

The next five years were rough. A friend told me about a compounding pharmacist nearby who might be of some help to me. I made an appointment with him. He changed my life!

First he had me give up artificial sweeteners, then he said he thought my problem was gluten! And to make a long story short, I gave it up, and within days I started feeling better. My heart numbers even improved!

It’s been a long road and not an easy or cheap one, but it has been well worth it. My health has improved by leaps and bounds and I have lost forty-five pounds!

I still have a very sensitive tummy and I have had to give up some other things. But nothing tastes as good as feeling good does. Of course there are things I miss, but that’s ok, this is so doable. I feel like I got my life back!

There is a huge learning curve with this disease and I am always learning something new. Just recently I learned that Modified Food Starch may contain wheat molecules.

Thanks to my sister June for helping me get started with this blog.
Check out her blog, she is a fantastic chef. Many of her recipes are naturally GF, and there are others that are easily converted. Her most recent post for Carne Asada is an example: use GF beer and corn tortillas and you’re ready for a wonderful fiesta!!

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